• Building Community Through Inclusive Gaming


    • Lorcana: Shimmering Skies Booster Box

      Lorcana: Shimmering Skies Booster Box


      • RAV8455

      In stock

      Product description

      Release Date  08/09/24

      This is for in store pick up only. We will not ship this product.

      Each Booster Box come with 24 booster packs. Booster packs give players the ability to customize their decks and discover their own gameplay strategies. Discover new characters, locations, items and powers in these booster packs.
      A pack of 12 randomized cards contains:
      • (1) Foil card of random rarity
      • (2) Rare (or higher rarity) cards
      • (3) Uncommon cards
      • (6) Common cards
      Each player needs a 60-card deck of Disney Lorcana TCG cards to play


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