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  • My Lil Everdell

    Tabletop Tycoon

    My Lil Everdell


    • STG3000

    In stock

    Product description

    Introducing the best board game for little fans of EverdellMy Lil Everdell. Join Chip, Sweep, and the other kids of Everdell to build the most spectacular make-believe city anyone has ever built. This easy to learn worker-placement and tableau building game will provide family fun while getting the lil’ ones' brains a buzzin’, improving focus and enhancing young learner skills. Climb across the rope bridge, watch out for the dragon’s den, and join us in the fort for the latest addition to the award-winning Everdell line, My Lil Everdell.

    • Players 1-4
    • Ages 6+
    • Time 30-60 min

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