• Building Community Through Inclusive Gaming


    • Alan & Bobbys Block and Guess

      Surfin' Meeple

      Alan & Bobbys Block and Guess


      • MATBLP001

      In stock

      Product description

      Make other players guess a word using wooden pieces, easy? Not that much! In Block Guess, your opponents will choose the wooden pieces you will use… Good luck!

      Players will be playing in two teams of two players. Each round, one person from each team will be building an object. The other two people are the guessers. They will be trying to identify their teammates’ objects in order to gain points. Beware the construction cards! You might end up playing with just one eye open…

      Block Guess ends after 4 rounds and the team with the most points win the game.

      —description from publisher

      • Players 3-8
      • Ages 8+
      • Time 30 min

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