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  • Hobby - Basecoating
    • Hobby - Basecoating

    The Army Painter

    Hobby - Basecoating


    • AMYBR7003

    In stock

    Product description

    This mini paint brush isn’t too thin to make basecoating a time-consuming task, but it isn’t too thick either, which can create pools of unnecessary paint on your minis. With the right thickness of the bristles head, this miniatures paintbrush holds enough paint so you won’t have to reload every after one stroke and covers enough surface to make basecoating less tedious. You don’t need to buy other wargamer brushes to do the job.

    Made of the finest quality Toray hair, the bristles spring back adequately and hold paint nicely. This type of hair isn’t just durable but also affordable and among the easiest to use war painter brushes for entry-level miniature painters.


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