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  • Chronicles of Crime

    Lucky Duck Games

    Chronicles of Crime


    • LKY-CCM-035

    In stock

    Product description

    Chronicles of Crime is cooperative game of crime investigation, mixing VR experience and board gaming. With the same physical components (board, locations, characters and items), players will be able to play plenty of different scenarios and solve as many different crime stories. They will start the app, choose the scenario they want to play, and follow the story. The goal being to catch the killer of the case they have been given in the shortest short time possible. Using the Scanechnology, each component (locations, characters, items, etc.) has a unique QR code, which, depending on the scenario selected, will activate and trigger different clues and stories. That means players will be able to get new stories way after the game is release simply by downloading the app's updates, without any shipping of new physical components involved.

    • Players 1-4
    • Ages 12+
    • Time 60-90m

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